Monday, September 28, 2015

My 2015

It's been more than a year never update my blog, as always i had forgotten my login password and have to spend some time to reset it. Too many thing keep happening everyday and it is just too fast for me to record it down with words. In may 2015, i had finally resigned from J&J. I would say this is a good company with many great people. I will never forget those who always help me, guild me and inspire me. And now is a fresh start for me as i am joining a different field. I always believe everything happens for a reason. I was interview this job last year and i dint get it, and opportunity came again and i finally got it. 

Since last year, i had also started my TWO part time job, insurance agent and wedding decor designer. It's sound crazy but it's actually did color up my dull life. After became an insurance agent, i realize that i am just so lucky compared to some of the people and i really feel grateful. And no doubt, my responsibility now become heavier. While for wedding decorator, this is where my true interest and it is just so much fun even though it can be so tiring and i have to sleep whole day to recover after the event. And i am thankful to have my partner + best friend to help me and bare with my perfectionism. 

2015 is a busy year for me and hoping rainbow appear after the rain.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Day 1@台湾


这一天是5月9号,正巧是Air Asia第一天在KLIA2 operate,所以我们之前就收到air asia的email要我们提早3个小时到机场。毕竟是它们第一天operate,打死也不敢迟到啊。不过真要夸一下它们,当天有很多工作人员在机场帮助乘客带路,所以一点也不会乱。从custom到bording gate真的是好远啊,难怪要乘客早到,不然真的要在那跑步了。可能是太兴奋了,都忘了自己在生病。当然也不敢乱乱来,上飞机前吃了药和我的必备晕车药。

大概4小时的飞行,我们安全的降落在桃园机场。跟照之前的安排,去买了sim card,联络包车的司机,然后买了飞狗(建明)客运到西门町的票。很幸运的我们,刚买了票没多久,飞狗就到了。其实乘搭客运还蛮方便的,而且飞狗可以直接到西门町不用转站,价钱才140一个人。

上了飞狗,小睡了一下。飞狗司机放我们在我们的民宿附近,走路大概5分钟就到了。我们的民宿是Dream Home, 因为临时抱佛脚的我们,所以在预定的时候房间已经所剩无几,漂亮的都被选光了。还好,房间很新很干净,唯一不好的就是Dream Home没有电梯,而我们住在4F。地点嘛,还算不错,步行到西门町商圈大概10分钟。

Check in 放下行李后,我们步行到西门町商圈,正式开启我们的台湾之旅。




面线就算了,就连我最爱吃的寿司我都吃不下,只能勉强吃几口,这算旅行吗!这一家寿司店是来之前就做好了research,很多人推荐,位于台北市峨眉街47号的美观园。也不懂是不是我们点错食物,我们两个觉得so so only,没什么特别,尤其是我点的海带汤,完全没味道。也许我们习惯了重口味吧。


p/s: 第一天就这样结束了,因为不舒服的关系,没能好好的感受那种旅行的冒险的享受。但也是因为这样,让我深深的体会到,为什么不要等到失去了健康的体魄才想到去旅行,因为心境会变得完全不一样,力不从心的感觉也就会因此而产生。这也让我想起爸妈,答应自己要努力的赚钱和他们一起旅行....